Saturday 5 September 2009

Last chance hotel...

After spending the last 2 weeks lounging in volcanic hot spring spa's, long lazy days on the golf fields and some hard work emptying whole shopping centres of sunglasses in the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik. We have returned, enjoyed a few cold glasses of Pimms and some white wine spritzers on our friends roof in Notting Hill where we could almost hear carnival from. We are now back off to our Villa on our private beach in Croatia where we can test out the new speedboat Panic bought after his new line of stickers sold so well.

OUTLOOK FESTIVAL IS THIS WEEKEND!!! This one is going to go off! set on the corner of the tiny island of Pag boasting Croatia's clearest waters and with a line up that is actually so over the top its a spoil! really NOT TO BE MISSED... No haters please.

Watch out for the KloseOne B2B RattusRattus+Illa Man boat party...

Very cheap flights are still available, all info on WEBSITE


  1. Anonymous5.9.09


  2. Anonymous5.9.09

    Haha, while Shogi sits in and has beans on toast with his 72 year old mum, and Oker and Dels smoke a few pipes down a remote lane in Kent, drive into London at 3am and take out some graff.

    Then spend the next week on the net checking to see if anyone actually gives a fuck, whilst everyone else is actually having a good time and laughing at their ages.


  3. Anonymous7.9.09

    ^^^said the man peddling out lies on the net thinking he's the big man, keep believing your hype you stupid cunt
